Sat 28 May 2022
UND JETZT? Cooperativa Maura Morales PRÄLUDIUM DER KÄLTE

20 Uhr
5 / 9 / 18 / 25 EUR

The cold moves into our bodies. Creeps under the skin, drives into the bones up to the marrow. Expels warmth, love, resonance. Prelude to the Cold is the name of the latest production of the Cooperativa Maura Morales, a prelude to the cooling of the human body, of the female body. A coldness that is particularly strong in the "contactless time" of the pandemic.

"There are special dancers and dancers in this ensemble - beings of steel and silk, ready to explore and transcend the limits of their bodies." (Maura Morales)

In ever new, intense forms of movement, the proud struggle for empowerment, intimacy and recognition is fought against the cold principle: relentless, expressive, breathless - driven by the unforgiving beats of Michio Woirgardt. The end does not take place, only the incessant force of the dance still trembles. As hope.

Text: Cooperativa Maura Morales

(c) Klaus_Handner


About the Cooperativa Maura Morales

The Cooperativa Maura Morales is one of the few contemporary dance companies in North Rhine-Westphalia that has succeeded for many years now in consolidating the focus of its artistic work while at the same time continually expanding its national and especially international range. Their unique selling point is the close correlation of movement and sound, choreography and music. Depending on the idea, impulse and interest, the core ensemble around choreographer and dancer Maura Morales and composer Michio Woirgardt expands to include additional artists and dancers. The high impact potential of the Cooperativa Maura Morales is revealed, by an extremely high national and international tour volume of up to 50 guest performances per year in Tanzania, Brazil, Korea, Lebanon, Panama, Dominican Republic, La Réunion, Macedonia, Russia and all of Europe.

Dancers Simone Elliot, Lotta Sandborgh, Matilde Tommasini, Jay
Park, Manuel Kiros Paolini
Concept / Artistic Direction / Choreography Maura Morales Composition / Live Musik Michio Woirgardt Dramaturgy René Linke Set Design Belén Montoliú, Gunter Rubin, Maura Morales Assistance Darwin Díaz, Elisa Marschall Costumes Marion Strehlow Light Design/Artistic Direction Grace Morales Suso

Funded by Fonds Darstellende Künste, durch das Ministerium für Kultur und
Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, sowie durch das Kulturamt der
Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf A production by Cooperativa Maura Morales in coproduction with Forum Freies Theater- FFT/ Düsseldorf, Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Pumpenhaus Münster.
The project was part of the residency program of schloss bröllin e.V., funded by Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und der Landkreis Vorpommern-Greifswald.

Duration 60 min.

 Please note the daily updated access regulations:

The program UND JETZT? is funded in the impulse program "Kunst trotz Abstand" of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg.



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