Fri 08 Jul 2022
Theaterfestival Schwindelfrei Theater Carnivore at Theaterhaus G7 VON EINEM, DER AUSZOG, DAS FÜRCHTEN ZU LERNEN / Residency-Showing

20 Uhr
5 / 9 / 13 / 18
Theaterhaus G7
G7, 4b

During its residency, the traveling theatre company will deal with fear and the fairy tale about The youth who went forth to find out what fear was will serve as a starting point for their work. Even though the protagonist in the tale is depicted as stupid, he is able to resolve all conflicts with violence and is crowned king at the end. How can someone that is not afraid of anything and is willing to engage in violence, become powerful in spite of his stupidity? Conversely, can an individual with a fully-formed ego also be afraid? If not, does one have to learn what fear is?

Starting from this fairy tale, the group will work on the questions of how to make the theatre more diverse and explore the possibilities in order to develop a way of working together that is free of hierarchies.


Artists Moujan M. Taher, Kerstin Kiefer, Marcela Snášelová, Florian Kaiser  

Mentor Nora Abdel Rahman  



Theater Carnivore

The Theater Carnivore is a touring theatre company based in Heidelberg. A traveling theatre goes to the public: it is the original form of theatre and the group is convinced that in respect to sustainability and cultural participation, it can also be a model for the future. Since 2015, the ensemble has come together in different variations to create at least one production per year and many of their pieces are premieres or have been created for the traveling theatre. The text always serves as a starting point of their work. During their residency at Theaterfestival Schwindelfrei, Moujan Taher, Kerstin Kiefer, Marcela Snášelová and Florian Kaiser will be collaborating for the first time in this constellation and will seek to develop new methods and approaches to working together. 

Moujan M. Taher studied film directing, drama and dramatic writing at the Tehran University of Art. Since 2002, she has become the author of a multitude of screenplays and theatre plays. She has also worked in various areas for film and TV production, as well as directing many short films. Moujan had to leave Iran because of her activism for equality and her stand against a patriarchal society. She works now as an author, director, actor and drama teacher.

Kerstin Kiefer completed her acting training at the Theaterakademie Mannheim. She has performed at the Heidelberger Stadttheater, Pfalzbau Ludwigshafen, Theater Felina-Areal and TiG7 Mannheim among other places. Since 2014, she regularly performs for the WestSideTheatre Darmstadt and has been working as an actor and drama coach with the Theater Carnivore since 2019.  

Florian Kaiser got his actor training in Besançon (FR) and Berlin. He has performed at Komödie Kassel, in the Sommerfestspiele Oppenheim, the Schlossfestspiele Ettlingen, the Children’s and Youth Theatre in Speyer, the Boulevard Münster, as well as for the Torturmtheater Sommerhausen and the Living Theatre. In 2006, he founded the Zimmertheater Speyer and directed for the first time. He went on to the Kleinen Komödie Weinheim in 2007. In 2015, he founded the traveling theatre Theater Carnivore.



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