Fri 15 Jul 2022
Tanz für alle ab 6+ Pasta ohne Ende 5elefants tanzkollektiv

Schulvorstellung Anmeldung unter:

PASTA OHNE ENDE is a dance piece for everybody from 6 years which explores the (in)finiteness and the enjoyment of pasta of all kinds. Everybody loves pasta. Always. Or do they? Food as an important sign of identity, as a recurring daily ritual, but also as a sometimes nerve-wracking topic of contention between young and old, for example, when pasta gets the upper hand in the weekly meal plan.

photo: Lys Y. Seng

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By and with


Concept/Artistic Direction Sarah Herr (in collaboration with the performers) Dance/Performance Meret Rufener, Wayne Götz, Sarah Herr Composition Tobias Schmitt Scenography Stefan Schneider Artistic Coaching Robert Buschbacher, Miriam Lemdjadi Graphic design Peter Bösselmann

Developed at INTER-ACTIONS Studio, matrakala Bewegung I Zeitgenössischer Tanz & EinTanzHaus. In collaboration with Pestalozzi Grundschule Mannheim. Funded by Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V., aus Mitteln des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg,  Kulturamt Mannheim, LBBW and Zeit Tanz Land Verein e.V.



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