Sat 05 Nov 2022
Premiere Us La Trottier Dance

20 Uhr
5 / 9 / 18 / 25 EUR

In Us, Éric Trottier and five dancers address the theme of identity and its interaction with capitalist society. Humorously yet profoundly, they explore how individuals experience closeness and distance, how they come to terms with their cultural and social shell and how they develop. What connects and protects them can also constrict, what connects can also restrict.

Five figures come together, diverge, entangle and sort themselves out. At the end the question remains: What is closer to us: my pants or your shirt?

Photo (c) Lys Y. Seng

Direction & Costume Éric Trottier Dance Georgia Begbie, Laura Börtlein, Martina Martin, Seung Hwan Lee, Woo-Sang Jeon Choreographic Assitance Michelle Cheung, Tobias Weikamp Production Assitance Pauline Steger Music Peter Hinz, Steffen Dix Digital Art Benjamin S. Jantzen Light & Techninical Direction Stefan Grießhaber Management, Dramaturgie Susanne Brauer

Supported by

La Trottier Dance erhält eine Institutionelle Förderung der der Stadt Mannheim sowie eine Förderung im Rahmen des Exzellenzförderprogrammes "Tanzförderung BW" des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg

La Trottier Dance

La Trottier Dance has established itself further in the local and national dance scene in Baden Württemberg in recent years. The ensemble is a union of dancers, choreographers, musicians and composers who together develop new productions and support each other in their respective productions. Initiator is the director and choreographer Éric Trottier. 

In 2013 Trottier won the Dance and Theater Prize of the City of Stuttgart and the State of Baden-Württemberg with the piece "Chaos" and in 2015 with the piece "endless refill", a co-production with Guido Preuß and Karel Vanek. In 2019, the award followed for the production "Supermann".

Since 2020, La Trottier Dance has received, in addition to institutional funding from the City of Mannheim, a 5-year Excellence Grant from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg.


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