Sat 10 Dec 2022
Dance deciphered by Jonas Frey

5 / 9 / 18 / 25 EUR

Deciphered is a choreography for 4 dancers who are at home in both urban and contemporary dance. The cipher, a well-known format from urban dance, is examined: the cipher is a circle, a place of dance dialogue, where dance skills are negotiated in question and answer. Deciphered deconstructs this form and shifts the focus from the individual to the group. The dancers negotiate their social space, the space between each other and the space around themselves to appropriate the stage space.

Foto: Lys Y. Seng


Choreography Jonas Frey By and with Juliette Lefauconnier, Mike Planz, Lukas Steltner, Fanny Vaucher Outside Eye, Production Management Julie Pécard Dramaturgy Célestine Hennermann Djing and Sounddesign Johannes Kompa, Danijel Lokas Costumes Petra Vaskova Light Stefan Grießhaber Research Antoine Ragot, Frieda Frost, Bryan Vit

Founded/supported by

Gefördert durch den Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V., aus Mitteln des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg, das Kulturamt der Stadt Mannheim und die LBBW Stiftung. Erarbeitet im Inter-Actions Studio. In Kooperation mit EinTanzHaus. In Residenz und in Kooperation mit dem Tanztendenz München e.V.





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