Sun 04 Dec 2022
Workshop for Professional dancers and choreographers Voice & Movement with Alessio Castellacci

10 - 15 h
90 EUR for Professional dancers and choreographers

This workshop is a vocal‐physical process which invites you to re-discover an intimate and empowered relationship with the primal voice and its profound sensitivity, through embodied vocality, and musical instinct. The workshop opens a space to connect with our breath, voice, mouth, body, and with our innate instinct for expression through sound. The workshop follows a designed progression from the functional aspects of voice and body (breath anatomy, elements of acoustics and phonetics) to the realm of improvised musical flow.

Alessio Castellacci is a performer, teacher and sound composer based in Berlin. He studied Developmental Psychology (BA at La Sapienza University - Italy) and Choreography (Artez - Nether­lands). Since 2005, he has developed a pedagogical approach for voice & movement impro­vi­sation. Seminal experiences in his understanding of the voice-move­ment-mind integra­tion have been his studies with the vocal techniques pioneer Meredith Monk; with Patricia Bardi; with Mark Van Tongeren; and with sound healer Amit Carmeli.

Foto (c) Florence Freitag

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