Wed 14 Dec 2022
Unpolished Wednesdays neue Reihe von Flux

19 Uhr
in der EinTanzHaus-Probebühne G4,5
Eintritt frei

Flux e.V., the initiative for free dance and performance art, has a new format - UNPOLISHED WEDNESDAYS. Once a month, Flux hosts an unpolished evening of dance. The idea behind it is that short dance experiments by changing regional artists* are shown to a curious audience. The audience is explicitly asked for their opinion about what they see. Together with the choreographers, we approach new artistic territory and dance ventures.

Programm /Wed 5. July //19:00

with Amelia Eisen

Amelia Eisen's project 'Pneuma' embodies the concept of interconnectedness and the constant flow of energy. The combination of dance & live music reflects the untamed energy and movement of nature, creating a dynamic, engaging and powerful experience of connection.

It has been created together with the dancers: Katja Visschers, Barbara Weinmann, Alex Huynh, Vladimir Staicu and the musician: Atli Steinn.

Curator David Kwiek

 Language: German & English

The Flux program calendar always up to date at:


Eine Veranstaltung von FLUX.


Flux e.V. wird unterstützt durch BUREAU RITTER/TANZPAKT RECONNECT, gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Hilfsprogramm Tanz.


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