Tue 28 Mar 2023
Winterresidenzen Eine Ästhetik der (Un)Vollkommenheit 28. bis 31. März 2023

28. - 31. März 2023 von 14 bis 18 Uhr
Teilnahme kostenlos
Anmeldung mit 0-Euro Ticket
Waiting list Warteliste julie.pecard@eintanzhaus.de

For everyone, value and dignity have a different meaning - always in relation to one's own life reality, one's own experiences and to the body given to us. Turning towards one's very own body and the qualities of movement, paying attention to them and making them conscious, including the ruptures and limits in them, creates spaces in between and expansion.

Based on the theme of value and our very own body experience, we explore our inner and outer movements for four days and give them space.

Bea Carolina Remark, invites women* and non-binary people to enter into conversation and movement. We explore how a common dance and movement language can be developed in a group of diverse people and how belonging can be experienced as a matter of course - in a protected atmosphere. The joy of movement and togetherness are in the foreground!



Bea Carolina Remark works internationally as a dance teacher, dance and movement therapist and choreographer. She has been spastically paralyzed since birth. She grew up in Mannheim and now lives on Lake Constance. In her work and in dance, Bea Carolina Remark is particularly concerned with making the valuable and beautiful of the other visible and encountering each person with dignity and seriousness - in an aesthetic of (in)perfection. This sometimes also means a radical turning away from one's own - into the surrender of the given that each person brings with them. She researches the theme of value, shame and failure in a wide variety of contexts of belonging and how this is experienced as a matter of course in the world. How can we bring a seeing into the world that changes everything?


All women* and non-binary persons. You don't need any dance knowledge for the offer, but the openness to work together biographically. We rehearse with a group of maximum 12 people in four four-hour sessions at EinTanzHaus Studio.

Where? Rehearsal room EinTanzHaus Studio (sportswear and warm extra clothing is recommended)
Workshop language German
The studio is accessible at ground level. A barrier-free toilet is located in the adjacent building.
Participation is only possible for the complete, four-day offer.
Only after registration. Please book 0-Euro ticket at www.eintanzhaus.de
Any questions? 0621-48495808 / julie.pecard[at]eintanzhaus.de



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