Sat 27 May 2023
Und Jetzt? Notebook Alexandra Bachzetsis (Zürich)

20 Uhr
Solidarisches Preissystem
5 / 9 / 18 / 25 EUR

The new project by Alexandra Bachzetsis is a profound and lustful exploration by the performer of her own biography as a dancer, choreographer and artist. The piece was not created in isolation, but within the framework of a dialogue, a method developed by Bachzetsis especially for this project. With her dialogue partners: Lies Vanborm, Safiya Sinclair, Michel Auder, Emi Curty, Zeltia Robin, Marco Delgado, Nadine Fuchs, Lili-Mar-lo Delgado Fuchs, Mélissa Biondo, Loren Tschannen, Antoine Weil, Owen Ridley-DeMonick, Dorota Sajewska and Alban Schelbert, she developed a performative installation in which the encounters with the others can be found again in the form of material and immaterial traces, voices, remains. A dance dialogue with Antoine Weil is (re)performed in part of SOLO live and the whole piece is accompanied by live sound composed by Alban Schelbert.

Themes such as lust, sexuality, excess, innocence, pain and ephemerality are ad-dressed in the form of performative notes that manifest themselves in a plurality of voices, images, bodies and objects. The notebook as an indispensable companion of the artistic process, as a private archive of creative work and as a storehouse of ideas for imagined future projects thus reflects Bachzetsis’ artistic affinity for the fragmentary, sketchy, unfinished in creative and performative thinking processes. Here, the body becomes a physical archive of other bodies, the most subversive form of presentation of experience as well as a place of permanent mediation bet-ween past and present, event and documentation, liveliness and mediality, originality and quotativeness. Text by Dorota Sajewska

Duration 70-90 min. Languages English, Greek, French in songs

Photo: (c) DianaPfammatter

Concept and Choreography Alexandra Bachzetsis Collaboration Concept and Dramaturgy Dorota Sajewska Collaboration Choreography and Performance Alexandra Bachzetsis, Antoine Weil, Alban Schelbert Collaboration Choreography and Movement Research Owen Ridley-DeMonick Dialogue and Research Partners in Chronological Order Lies Vanborm, Safiya Sinclair, Michel Auder, Emi Curty, Zeltia Robin, Marco Delgado, Nadine Fuchs, Lili-Marlo Delgado Fuchs, Mélissa Biondo, Loren Tschannen, Antoine Weil, Owen Ridley-DeMonick Music and Sound Design Alban Schelbert Organ played by Joseph Schelbert recorded by Alban Schelbert Music Production ‘KOKAINOPOTIS’ in Athens Bouzouki played by Manoulis Pappos, classical guitar played Marios Mourmouras recorded and edited by Stefanos Konstantinidis / Nassos Sopilis / Fabrika Music // Collaboration Costume Design, Conceptual Advice and Research Christian Hersche, Ulla Ludwig, Laurent Hermann Progin Communication Design Julia Born Photography Diana Pfammatter Photography Assistant Andrea Ebener Hair and Makeup Shooting Delia Scullio, Helve Leal Technical Direction, Collaboration Stage and Light Design Patrik Rimann Production and Management Association All Exclusive, Franziska Schmidt Administration Association All Exclusive, Juliana Simonetti Management Tour Something Great, Rui Silveira Studio Assistance & Tour Management Assistance Giuliana Beya Dridi Archive Management & Research Jean-Marie Fahy

Coproduction Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen, Gessnerallee Zürich, Tanzquartier Wien, TBA - Teatro do Bairro Alto, Kaserne Basel, Centre d'art scénique contemporain – Arsenic Lausanne, Dampfzentrale Bern Thanks to Giovanni Carmine, Sotiris Vasiliou, Adam Szymczyk Supported by The cooperative support agreement between the City of Zurich, the Canton of Zurich, and Pro Helvetia—Swiss Arts Council, Ernst Göhner Stiftung.  The Festival UND JETZT? is supported by Baden-Württemberg-Stiftung and Stiftung LBBW.







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