Sat 27 Mar 2021
UND JETZT? Online Joana Tischkau Colonastics

From March 22 to 28. März online!

As part of the festival UND JETZT?, performances with and from many different artists were planned for the months of March and April. With UND JETZT ONLINE we present a different work and artist every week.

This is how it works

The video in our EinTanzMediathek, online from March 22 to March 28. Just click on the video and watch!


In this very moment, sofas and kitchen tables are being pushed to the side to make space for yoga mats, bedrooms are turned into exercise parcours and carpets into weightlifting areas. At the core of his new-found quarantine life is the very present idea that you can re-emerge as a stronger, fitter and better version of yourself, the modernist myth of unlimited and constant progress. Whether practiced in the safe environment of your newly created home gym or in the studio, what Yoga, Zumba, Pole Dancing and Breaklaethics have in common is that their vocabulary feeds off an imaginary esoteric and exotic space as well as body that is constructed as the ‚other‘.

Joana Tischkau’s workout Colonastics invites you to clear your surroundings for a sweaty work-out that decolonizes your body, mind and spirit. Take part in a physical practice that developed out of the unmarked embodiment of whiteness and which carves out a blueprint of white masculine embodiment from which it sheds light onto the colonial and neo-colonial practices of the fitness industry. Because at last maybe you can have it all; The rationality of a straight white man with the physicality and corporeality of a black woman.


A production by Joana Tischkau. Concept & Choreography Joana Tischkau Artistic Collaboration & Dramaturgy Elisabeth Hampe Sound Design Frieder Blume Kamera & Editing Malu Blume Layout & Animation Justus Gelberg Production Management Lisa Gehring

Colonastics is a production by Joana Tischkau, commissioned by the Goethe-Institut as part of the digital festival Latitude in June 2020, kindly supported by Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin.

The program UND JETZT? is funded in the impulse program "Kunst trotz Abstand" of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg.

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