Wed 23 Jun 2021
Das Haymatministerium: Wie werden wir solidarisch? Nationaltheater Mannheim / Online

18:30 - 19:30
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In the light of the Corona pandemic, solidarity is on everyone's lips, and with #flattenthecurve, #stayhome, and the first lockdown in spring 2020, it became easier than ever to be in solidarity. But the complex term means more than staying home, washing hands and keeping our distance, because even during the pandemic, the areas of society where we need to stand together in solidarity continue to demand our commitment. We can only act in solidarity against racism, sexism, discrimination and inequalities of opportunity that occur in our society. In solidarity with those affected, but also with our equals. But what exactly does "being in solidarity" actually mean? On the occasion of the 21st International Schiller Days and its motto "together", the Haymat Ministerium wants to look for practices of solidarity that are suitable for everyday life and can make our living together more just.

Duration: 1 hour

Language: German

Registration via: ntm.zoom[at]

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