Sun 03 Oct 2021
Wunder der Prärie & zeitraumexit Dreams in a Cloudy Space Tanz von Antje Velsinger

3 / 8 / 15 / 25 EUR
Tickets via zeitraumexit

In a society dominated by capitalistic values we very much tend to define the elderly body in regards to its deficiencies. We focus on what these bodies CAN NOT accomplish and CAN NOT embody anymore. But then, how can we encounter and perceive the elderly body beyond parameters of performance and qualities.

In her dance piece Antje Velsinger deals with body qualities that are irrelevant for efficiency and for that takes into account her research lead in different geriatric institutions and senior citizen meet ups in Cologne and Hamburg. In a poetic composition including video and sound fragments, objects and the bodies of a thirty-five years and seventy-five years old female dancer a choreography comes to life where boundaries get blurred and oscillate between activity and passivity, isolation and retreat, joy and resignation.

Dreams in a cloudy space wants to amplify all the voices and bodies we usually do not listen to and is a quest for an appropriate attitude towards ageing.

Entrance: tested, vaxinated or recovered.

Dance Pauline Payen & Brigitta Schirdewahn Performance Video Marlies Dietrich, Inge Jost & Antje Velsinger Artistic Director & Choreography: Antje Velsinger Stage Sophie Aigner Video Ayla Pierrot Arendt Sound Julia Krause Costume Valentina Primavera Dramaturgy Heike Bröckerhoff Light Henning Eggers Production Management Sabina Stücker

Produced by Antje Velsinger in Koproduktion mit dem tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf. Funded by Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg | Behörde für Kultur und Medien, Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste, Fonds Darstellende Künste, Kunststiftung NRW. Mit Unterstützung von: tanzfaktur Köln, Lichthoftheater Hamburg, Altenzentrum Deckstein-Clarenbachwerk Köln, Seniorenhaus Heilige Drei Könige Köln, DRK Seniorentreff Haus Ottensen Hamburg. Made possible by die Wiederaufnahme- und Gastspielförderung des Dachverbands freie darstellende Künste Hamburg, im Auftrag der Freien Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Kultur und Medien.

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