Fri 18 Feb 2022
Performance/Dance Two Adults and a Child by Ant Hampton

3 / 8 / 15 / 25 EUR
a performance by zeitraumexit

It's always the first time for everyone. The adults are still figuring out how to be adults, the child is still a child, it's all new.

A generation of child heroes with an uncertain future have gathered forces to make a machine for re-animating adults, shaking them from their “screen-entranced anaesthesia” in real time and in front of other adults (the audience) who, the kids hope, will be infected by the process they witness.  The child organises the files, moves the adults around, points, sings, interrupts, announces, and sometimes joins the audience to watch.

Two Adults Christina Liakopoyloy & Ricarda Walter (Friday) / David Kwiek aka Mr Quick & Julie Pécard (Saturday)

And a Child Vivi Zimmermann (Friday) / Mia Hampton (Saturday)

Concept, text, music, sound Ant Hampton Video design / lighting / technical direction Mikko Gastael (Expander) Dramaturgy Rita Pauls German translation Karen Witthuhn / Transfictio Artistic / choreographic assistance Anna Rispoli Voices in the speakers Mia Hampton, Maxim Daish-Belay, Ines Labbé Bodies on the screens Ishaq El Akul, Dora Meierhans, Garil Paturel, Laia Vaissier Cra-viotto With thanks to Darren O’Donnell for quotes from “Haircuts by Children and Other Evi-dence for a New Social Contract” (Coach House books, 2017) Production and Management - Danila - Freitag, Agentur für Performative Künste Production assistant Anna Chwialkowska

A co-production of Kaaitheater Brussels, Théâtre Vidy Lausanne and zeitraumexit in collaboration with EinTanzHaus. Supported by the Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V. with funds from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg, and by the NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ Koproduktionsförderung Tanz, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media Performances supported by the impulse program "Kunst trotz Abstand" of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden Württemberg.

With thanks to guest performers during testing Peggy Donnelly, Emiliano Battista, Leandro Battista, Misha and Alma Downey, Martine Lange, Katja Dreyer, Dolores Hulan, Lucius Romeo-Fromm, Chris Harrison-Kerr, James Axford, Klara De Cock Jones, Christophe Meierhans And for kind support Britt Hatzius, Martin Hampton, Caroline Daish, Fred Labbé, Michele Piazzi, Nerea Craviotto, Julien Vaissier. First stage research (Jan 2020) assisted by Nora Tormann (dramaturgy), Arantxa Martinez, Anna Rispoli and Dora Meierhans (movement) and Timo Kleinemeier (tech), managed by Ana Riscado and supported by Theater Rampe Stuttgart and Fonds Darstellende Künste (Initialförderung) with funds from the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media

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