Sat 26 Mar 2022
Movement-Workshop AXIS SYLLABUS - FALLING MATTERS Kira Kirsch & Antoine Ragot

10-12:30 UHR & 14-16:30 UHR

1-Tag: 75 EUR / 60 EUR erm.
3-Tage: 195 EUR / 150 EUR erm.

Solo technique & partnering

How does an authentic play with gravity feel like? Does it exist? What is potential energy and where is it located? How much resistance, how much letting go?  How about falling up and how small can a micro fall be? These and other questions around falling are subject of this workshop which invites to surrender, pretend, beat or meet gravity, sometimes a beast sometimes a magic wizard.

Falling matters because it can be dangerous or alternatively harnessed for making movement effortless. We will work on disarming the fear and cultivate falling as a primary impulse for movement exploration, phrase work and make falling a lense to perceive our anatomy and structure. Expect lively contact between theory and practice, hands on work, experimenting, movement research and falling as dancing.

About Axis Syllabus

The Axis Syllabus is an emergent pedagogical initiative which aims to build a system of references for the human body in movement. The study and experience of anatomy, biomechanics, physiology and physics is at the heart of our research. This body of knowledge is continuously put in direct relationship with experiencing movement. It is at this very specific intersection we are inviting you to join us.

The sessions feed each other and oscillate between detailed anatomical study and dynamic dancing, sensing and trying again or repetitions of movement patterns mixed with improvisation. It is important to us to create a space where you can enter your own experience, have time to embody new coordinations, experiment and share a non-judgemental collective process.

Please note the daily valid access regulations:

About Kira Kirsch & Antoine Ragot


Movement Artisans are driven by an ongoing curiosity for movement research, the wonder of the human body and the art of transmission. Together, Kira Kirsch & Antoine Ragot bring many years of teaching through the lense of the Axis Syllabus. Their backgrounds in contemporary dance, Contact Improvisation, improvisation, sport science, pedagogy, hands-on intra-action and somatic communication build a rich palette of inquisitive material.


Friday, 25.3.2022

10:00 - 12:30 - morning session

14:00 - 16:30 - afternoon session

Saturday, 26.3.2022

10:00 - 12:30 - morning session

14:00 - 16:30 - afternoon session

Sunday, 27.3.2022

10:00 - 12:30 - morning session

14:00 - 16:30 - afternoon session

Foto (c) Katelyn Stiles

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