Mon 18 Jul 2022
2 von 3 Monday Workshop with Jonas Frey

2von3 / 3 Montage in Folge
3-Termin-Ticket: 51 EUR /
45 EUR (reduziert)

In this workshop we explore the meeting points of painting and dance. How can we use shapes and lines in space and body to sharpen our spatial awareness? How can the viscosity of paint be translated into movement? How do we shape space when we dance? Based on the performance Shared Canvas, in this interdisciplinary format we explore different choreographic tools, improvise and develop movement material.

The offer is part of the impulse Monday workshops, where dance enthusiasts can always get into different styles.

Please note the daily updated access regulations:

Dates 11., 18. & 25. July

Teacher: Jonas Frey

Language: English

Jonas Frey

Jonas Frey grew up as an active B-Boy in the Heidelberg Hip Hop scene. He completed his formal training at the ArtEZ School of Dance, Netherlands. In his work he moves in the space between urban and contemporary dance, which he constantly renegotiates in his own choreographies. Together with Julie Pécard he directs the Junior Dance Company at EinTanzHaus, Mannheim. He will completed his Master in choreography at Codarts and Fontys, Netherlands, in summer 2021.

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