HipHop als Blaupause für politische Selbstermächtigung
Raphael Moussa Hillebrand
Born in Hong Kong to parents of Germany and West Africa descent, raised in Berlin and educated through Hip Hop, Raphael Moussa Hillebrand uses his multifaceted cultural background to realize his vision of Hip Hop Dance theater. In December 2021 he visited EinTanzHaus to speak about his work as a breaker and as an active part of the hip hop community.
The program UND JETZT? is funded in the impulse program "Kunst trotz Abstand" of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg.
Vorbild für schließende Kirchen?
Das EinTanzHaus in RNF intensiv
In the regional broadcast format Intensiv, the the TV channel RNF focused on the topic of church closures and how to transform the empty buildings. You can find the five-minute report including pictures of the EinTanzHaus in Trinitatiskirche directly on the RNF website.
Corona und die Folgen für die Tanz- und Theaterlandschaft
Thomas Schmidt
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmidt talks about two topics that are currently discussed in the theater world: the consequences of the pandemic on the dance and theater and the discussions that his study Power and Structure in Theater, published two years ago, has initiated.
The program UND JETZT? is funded by „Kunst trotz Abstand“ des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg.
Cultural Tresures
by Shachaf Dekel
Culture Treasures web series by filmmaker and video content creator Shachaf Dekel highlights the best cultural venues, public art, design, and architecture gems you can find worldwide. Each episode (2-3 minutes) features the creator’s insight into the concept and purpose of their creation, that you shouldn’t miss while traveling.
The complete Culture Treasures magazine with all videos can be found here.
The Mannheim Pieces / Film Documentation
Didier Théron
In February 2021, an extraordinary digital project took place at EinTanzHaus: With eight dancers from France, Germany and Poland, choreographers Didier Théron and Michèle Murray worked for a week on the theme THE EUROPEANS. What was special about this was that they were not in one place, but danced, spoke and discussed via video conference in Mannheim, Warsaw and Montpellier. But is collaboration possible under these conditions? THE MANNHEIM PIECES summarizes the diverse experiences from this unusual time.
A collaboration between EinTanzHaus and Compagnie Didier Théron. Sponsored by the Cultural Office of the City of Mannheim.