The EinTanzHaus serves as a production site for choreographers and dancers, guest performance venue, experimental forum, classroom and meeting place for the scene. Performance, drama, music and discursive events complement the program. Here you will find some artists who have been our guests or have worked with us, and make a picture of our program visible. Have fun looking through :)


and many more of course ...

Body Talk // Isabelle & Claudia Barth // Michelle Cheung // Cie NUUA / Finnland // Max Clouth // Kevin O'Day // Steffen Dix // FLUX Rhein-Neckar // Cie. Hiato /Haz'art Trio // Harrycane Orchestra // Synchron Kollektiv // Raphael Hillebrand // Sarah Herr // Kasia Kadlubowska // Olivia Hyunsin Kim // Christina Liakopoyloy // Sonya Lindfors // Mahlukat // Neckarganga // Nostos Tanztheater // Ore Arts // Cedric Pintarelli // Ongoing Project  //  Mathias Sperling  // Outta Space  //  Keiko Shichijo  //  Theater Ballhaus Naunynstraße  //  Theater Thikwa  // Compagnie Didier Théron   //  Tanzwerke Vaněk Preuß  //  Polski Teatr Tanca  //  Antje Velsinger  //  Christoph Winkler  // Mathias Wendel  //  Luminos W. // Petra Vaskova / Die Kostümbildnerin // Bea Carolina Remark

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