Tue 16 Feb 2021
Mo, 8. bis Sa, 13. Februar Online Profitraining eine Kooperation mit Tanznetz Freiburg und 4fürTanz Leipzig

Online-Ticket(s) für Profitraining von Mo 8. bis Sa 13. Februar, 10:00 bis 11:15 Uhr

Um auch in Pandemie-Zeiten professionelles Trainng anzubieten, nutzen wir den digitalen Raum. Dank einer Kooperation mit Tanznetz Freiburg und 4für TanzLeipzig wird im Februar und März wöchentlich von 10 bis 11:15 Uhr ein Online-Training für Tanzprofis angeboten.

Teilnahme über Zoom Link


[Meeting-ID: 968 7549 4978; Kenncode: 782152]

Die Tickets könnt Ihr beim jeweiligen Veranstalter buchen. Von 8. bis 13. Februar wird das Training vom EinTanzHaus angeboten. Unter dem gemeinsamen Titel DANCING TOGETHER leitet 8. bis 10. Februar  Kira Kirsch das Training, von 11. bis 13. Februar Antoine Ragot.

Bezahlt wird am Ende der Woche. Die Anzahl der teilgenommen Trainings könnt Ihr im Buchungsmenü wählen. Bei Fragen hilft Euch Julie Pécard unter julie.pecard[at]eintanzhaus.de.

Zur Gesamtübersicht für den Monat Februar geht es HIER.


Class Description: DANCING TOGETHER

body mapping - movement training - dance practice

An offer based on the Axis Syllabus system of references

This training is a daily group practice. It celebrates the opportunity and necessity of dancers coming together daily to practice, learn and grow together. It further emphasizes detailed research of the body in motion and proposes motion techniques that lead towards a versatile, sustainable and 'choice-full' body that is capable to attend to dynamic and complex processes both physically and intellectually. The training aims to address the intersection of the somatic, the dancing, the thinking and the performing body-mind. Movement material and coordination are explored in rigorous yet playful movement research and proposed given material explores and plays with different aesthetic lineages for delivering and perceiving a movement principle rather than simply replicating an aesthetic. Movement principles and concepts are made palpable through images, video, models, hands-on, partnering, improvisation and looped movement patterns that lead into more complex phrases always moving through space. The method of looping allows to tune into micro movements at any moment expanding the perceptual field. It is our objective to prepare participants with useful techniques and tools they can sense, inhabit and autonomously apply in their individual practices and artistic research as well as enjoy time dancing together. The Axis Syllabus is a constantly evolving reference system, or lexicon for the organization and cross-correlation of empirical and scientific findings from the study of human movement. This includes anatomical details, physics, practical applications, research, analysis and transmission. An Axis Syllabus class aims to create a collaborative learning environment and effective space for personal research.


KIRA KIRSCH is a movement artist, community organizer, mother and initiater/curator born in East-Berlin. After many years abroad she now works and lives with her family in Berlin as residents of Lake Studios - an artist run dance, production and performance place. She is deeply invested into creating and shaping spaces for people to experience, learn about and sensitize their mind-body-movement continuum. She has pioneered, taught and continuously researched through the lens of the Axis Syllabus (AS) for over a decade, is a co-organiser of the Nomadic College at Earthdance, leads teacher laboratories and has build a community for AS research in the Bay Area, California from 2006 - 2012. In 2014 she started co-curating a new annual dance festival called "SENSING IN" and is establishing a regular educational program under the name of Movement Artisans together with Antoine Ragot at Lake Studios/Berlin.

ANTOINE RAGOT was born in Poitiers, France and is now based in Berlin. Being an athlete throughout his first 20 years of life, his interest in the body manifested in two years of medical school which led to the university of sport sciences of which he graduated with a Bachelor degree specializing in education and motor skills. He then became involved in dance and different contact improvisation communities throughout France which brought him closer to unify his interests for the body, movement and performance. Today Antoine brings many years of teaching contact improvisation, sports and early motor development to his fastidious bent for research and sharing of the Axis Syllabus, of which he is a certified teacher. Antoine is known for his enthusiasm and infecting others with the movement-research-geek-syndrome. Currently, his research is oriented towards paleoanthropology and functional morphology as well as the refinement and development of athletic skills via a friction with the Axis Syllabus research and problem-solving situations.

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